Kindergarten (2-4 years)
Diverse group activities such as singing songs and practicing finger games are especially suited for language development in young children. Through the combination of movement, language and rhythm, learning is playful and retention is long-lasting.
The use of picture and “hidden object” books offers many advantages. Images and texts provide many opportunities for discussion where new themes and topics can be taught and discussed.
By means of these different mediums, storytelling, speaking and retelling can be practiced. Through the dialogue with other children, the teacher or the parents who are present, the development of language awareness is supported, and your child will experience a respectful conduct with languages generally.
Painting, dancing and role-playing are also a part of this course. These activities and exercises prepare your child for the last years of kindergarten and for school.
If your child wishes so, he/she can be accompanied by an adult (mother father or another legal guardian).
Max. 6 children per course.