
Introducing our team:

Course Instructor
Mag.a Alexandra Volk
language psychologist, language promoter
founder of the movement-oriented language learning method "Learning through Movement"
teaching in the fields of language promotion, language development & developmental language disorders
co-author of nursery songs

Course Instructor
Hanna Reichhold
experienced in childcare, tutoring & homework supervision
teaching in the fields of language support, language development & language development disorders
psychologist in training

Course Instructor
Sebastian Fischer
experienced in German tutoring, especially with adolescents with migration background (all ages)
student at the University of Vienna (Education)
research in the field digital and racist language

Project Management & PR
Christina Dobler, BA
grew up bilingually (Czech, German)
student at the University of Vienna (Biology)
Bachelor in Transcultural Communication
broad knowledge of foreign languages (English, French, Russian)

Course Instructor
Ajla Mehic
future kindergarten & after-school teacher
grew up bilingually (Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, German)
practical experience in kindergarten as well as after-school care

Course Instructor
Lena Purkhart
experienced in German tutoring, especially with multilingual children (all ages)
started learning foreign languages at a very young age (English, Italian, French)
student at the University of Vienna (teacher training in Italian, French & Mathematics)

Course Instructor
Karin Hackl
trainer of German as a foreign language since 2015
certified coach as well as
life & social counsellor -
enthusiasm for creative working & learning
passionate opera singer

Mag.a Zwetelina Ortega
linguist, author & expert in multilingualism
consulting & workshops for multilingual families, kindergartens & schools (Linguamulti)
grew up trilingually (Bulgarian, Spanish, German)
raising her children trilingually